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Getting Started with Your Coach
Working without a Coach?
If you want to use the Double Check site to improve your classroom climate and management skills by learning and using new strategies without a coach, you can begin here by reviewing the content on the teacher home page. Next, complete a survey about your impression of your current classroom climate and management practices on the My Check-Up Feedback page. This feedback survey reviews your current practices in the areas of the CARES domains as well as positive behavior supports and classroom climate.
This survey will populate a feedback form to help you determine which area you want to improve. A check-up menu of options will be linked to your goals. By clicking on a strategy name, you can learn about the strategy and have access to tools and videos that will help with implementation.
Teacher Strategies
The Check-Up Menu
This section provides a roadmap for improving your classroom climate and management skills. The Check-Up Menu is intended as a guide to be used after receiving feedback from a coach or for self-development when no coach is available. The two broad areas of classroom climate and management are divided into critical subskills on the Check-Up Menu. Detailed rationale, descriptions, videos, forms, and other tools are provided for preparing and using each of the strategies.